Masovno viđenje vanzemaljaca u Phoenixu

Kad vam jedna osoba kaže da je vidjela NLO, možete opravdano sumnjati. Ne znate da li laže i je li u pitanju koja čašica više. No, kad hiljade ljudi prijavi neobične pojave na nebu, onda tu ipak mora biti nečeg.

Tako je u noći 13. marta 1997. godine masa ljudi prijavljivala neobična svjetla i letjelice u vremenu između 19:30 pa sve do 22:30.

Javljali su se iz svih područja Phoenixa, Nevade i Tucsona. Bilo je to jedno od najmasovnijih viđenja NLO-a ikad.

@night_files Follow for more weird stuff! Music: “The Quiet Earth” – Thomas Barrandon In 1997, hundreds of people in Mexico, Nevada, and Arizona looked up and saw something strange in the night sky. They saw the PHOENIX LIGHTS. It appeared to be in a v-shape and was lined with five bright lights. The wingspan was estimated to be 1500 feet long. That’s five football fields. Just for comparison, the wingspan of a Boeing 747 airplane is only 211 feet. This thing was huge. It hovered there for 3 hours until the lights slowly faded out one by one. There was no sign of it in the morning. Despite so many people witnessing the event, it didn’t garner much news coverage at the time. However, Phoenix did become a destination for UFO hunters and they weren’t disappointed either. The Phoenix Lights returned in 2007 and 2008. Was there something otherworldly up there? Or was it a secret government aircraft? What do you think? #ufo #ufosighting #ufology #ufo #ufology #aliens #uap #extraterrestrials #creepyvideo #creepy #paranormal #supernatural #highstrangeness #space #phoenixlights #ufofiles ♬ original sound – NIGHT FILES


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